2/26/07 newsletter

Buying a vacuum cleaner these days can be confusing and overwhelming with so many brands and models to choose from. Three cheers for Consumer Reports who just made shopping for your next vacuum much easier. And they have good news for us too…the top vacuum out there costs just $150. It's a Eureka and it's CR's "Best Buy." People will pay up to $400 for a vacuum cleaner, but the affordable Eureka brands are the second most reliable out there. The Boss Smart Vac Ultra 4870 model had the highest rating for cleaning carpet and bare floors. It also got the highest rating for sucking up cat hair. It was one of only three that scored tops in all three categories, and it's the least expensive at $150. So, what were the worst models? Some of the most expensive ones - $900 to $1,000 – were the least reliable. What about the Dyson, which has gotten so much press? It was in the middle of the pack. For a fairly expensive machine, it got mediocre ratings.
If you're interested in doing an online survey that pays $20 for only a few minutes of your time go to http://www.nutritionfun.org/ The survey is about eating fruits & veggies.
Gmail is now free for everyone! Back in 2004 Google introduced Gmail but people could only use the service if they were extended an invitation by a member. Now you're invited to the party! Go to http://mail.google.com/ to get 2 GB of space, join chats, use their cool new calendar, and tons of other cool stuff. Notice….Sister Thrifty's address is sisterthrifty@gmail.com !
I just discovered http://www.daveramsey.com/ and thought I'd share some of his money tips. He's a radio talk show host and columnist in Tennessee who has created money management products entitled "Financial Peace University." His "Baby Steps" to financial freedom are:
1. Set aside $1000 to start an Emergency Fund
2. Pay off all debt starting with credit cards
3. Have 3-6 months of expenses in savings
4. Invest 15% of household income into Roth AIRAs and pre-tax retirement
5. Set aside college funding for children
6. Pay off your home early
7. Build wealth and give to others
8. Invest in mutual funds and real estate
Well, those tips are pretty general, so I assume if you buy his products you'll get more details. My point in bringing this up is that now, while we're all working on our taxes, is the time to analyze our finances, evaluate how we're doing, and make changes.
And now for some fun freebies:
Every time Matt Kenseth wins a race, Arby's will give away free medium Curly Fries every Monday following the race weekend. They're calling it "Matt's Monday." Go to www.rtminc.com/about/news.php?yr=2007&sid=1320
Free 6 month membership to Sears Portrait Studio at http://www.searsportrait.com/cpi/img.ashx?p=/Resources/cpi/en-US/email/07/0222/v8.htm
Free tire rotation and brake inspection at Big O Tires printing the coupon at www.bigo.com/coupons.asp
KOA is offering a free night at their participating campgrounds in May. Check out http://www.koa.com/
That's it for today! Have a good one!
Sister Thrifty
Labels: coupon, free, frugal, Gmail, Google, money, save, thrifty, vacuum