Health & Wellness
Hi everyone! I try to get these newsletters out to you on the weekends, but I was busy being sick sick sick. Bleh. I'm still not feeling great, but I wanted you to get some of this great information (and sitting at my computer will hopefully distract me from feeling sick sick sick.)
Since I'm thinking health (or lack thereof) these days, I wanted to let you know about an interesting web site I found that you can use to order your own medical tests instead of paying whatever the doctor or hospital charges. Insurance will not pay, but if you don't have insurance anyway or your reimbursement stinks then this could save you a ton of money. Check out Just use good judgment when dealing with your health care.
There are a number of prescription programs that will save you money. To find the Rx program for your state go to Low-income seniors who qualify can get the "Eli Lilly" card and really save on their medications. Call 1-877-RX-LILLY. For a $10 fee, Rxaminer will permit users to enter all current prescriptions and returns a list of available generic or other suggested brands for less money. Go to
Here are some freebies that have to do with health and wellness. GlaxoSmithKline is offering all kinds of free samples when you register: They are also starting the "Orange Card" program, which gives elderly people who qualify 25% off their prescriptions. To read an article about their plan click here:
Here's a free mouth wash sample:
Click on here and you'll get a coupon for free veggies from Green Giant:
Free skincare samples from Chamonix:
Free sample of Palmer's Cocoa butter formula with vitamin E lotion. Go to "Like Some?"
You're probably working on your 2006 taxes by now and I want to make sure you know about the special one-time federal excise tax credit in 2006 rebates tax overpayment on phone bills. What do taxes have to do with health? Well, if you don't pay them you'll be sick when you get audited and have to pay penalties! Everyone is allowed to get this deduction this year only, but you have to make note of it on your tax forms or you'll miss it. To read more about it and how to claim it check out this link:
Labels: health, prescription, save money, sick, taxes, wellness
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