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Hi girls!
I hope you had as relaxing a Thanksgiving as I did. sigh Now it's back to
reality again..
I don't think Staples is the epitome of the perfect Christmas shopping spot,
but they are having some good on-line sales. Go to and use
Coupon code 2700836555707989 It expires 12/10/04.
Snapple is looking for a few loyal fans to be in their new TV commercial.
Go to quickly because they'll pick their favorite entry by mid-December.
Save $10 on the gorgeous Candy Cane Roses from Pro FLowers. I've used that company a lot and have been very impressed with the freshness and quality.
You'll even get a free vase if you use coupon code
Now on to a few personal stories:
After shopping her little guts out on Black Friday, Amy Hartung is now ready
to earn some money to help pay for that consumer addiction. She would love
to hire herself out to help you wrap your Christmas presents, make & bake goodies (she has a great Rocky Road fudge recipe), or do what she can to free up your busy schedule.
Susan Stewart is making blankets for 60 homeless children and could use your help! The company Susan works for gives a Christmas party every year for North County's Solutions for Change, an organization that helps homeless families. Susan usually makes blankets for all the kids as a gift. This year, the number of homeless children in need has doubled to 60. Susan is undaunted in her committment to still make a blanket for each child. If you can help in anyway, it would be greatly appreciated. She makes tied quilts.
Therefore she could use material, batting, yarn and anyone who wants to sew or tie. The blanket could be made of fleece. As an FYI, Joann Fabrics will apparently be having a sale on fleece this coming weekend (Dec. 3rd and 4th). There is a coupon in one of those weekly mailers as well. She needs the blankets no later than December 10th. She is making two sizes: crib
(46" x 34") and larger (58" x 44"). Anything close will do. Give her a
call if you're planning to help: 521-1620.
Rosemary Tobler is in the business of housecleaning ( for 24 years ) and is currently looking to expand her business in the North County area. She has great referrals---please contact her at (760) 431-9364. She will give one free cleaning based upon referrals.
Aletha Fulton is having a sale on the crystal or gemstone- jewelry-that she makes (amethyst, jade, quartz etc.). They have .925 stearling silver, which usually sells for 30.00-50.00.
If you don't have plans for this weekend, check out the attached flyer for the LDS Music Festival and Expo in Las Vegas and you'll receive a discount on your tickets. If you have extra money left over and still want to spread good cheer you're always welcome to leave me your credit card number as well. :)
Enjoy this beautiful day!
Sister Thrifty