Varying degrees of success...

Ever wonder what it takes to succeed at something? I stumbled across the list below and got a real kick out of some of the college degrees famous people have earned. Some will surprise you:
Adam Sandler - Fine Arts
Alex Trebek - Philosophy
Andy Griffith - Music
Angela Bassett - Drama
Arnold Schwarzenegger - Physical Communications Art Garfunkel
Barbara Walters - English
Barry Manilow - Music
Bill Clinton - Foreign Service
Bruce Lee - Philosophy
Cindy Crawford - Chemical Engineering
Clarence Thomas - English
Colin Powell - Geology
Conan O'Brien - American History and Literature
David Letterman - Telecommunications
Dick Cheney - Political Science
Donald Trump - Economics
Garth Brooks - Journalism/Advertising
George Clooney - Broadcasting
George W. Bush - History
Harrison Ford - Philosophy
Janet Reno - Chemistry
Julia Roberts - Veterinary Studies
Kevin Costner - Business Administration
Margaret Thatcher - Chemistry
Michael Crichton - Anthropology
Michael Jordan - Cultural Geography
Mick Jagger - Economics
Will Ferrell - Sports Information
Willard Scott - Religious Studies
So, why did I want to share these with you today? Because I wanted to make a few points. You'll notice that some of the famous people listed above went on to achieve great things in their chosen field, while others did something completely different from their educational pursuit. You may have travelled down one of life's paths, planning for a specific destination, only to find that it wasn't what you thought it was going to be.
You may be currently working in a profession that you don't enjoy or one that simply doesn't pay as much as you thought it would. You may even be out of a job right now. Or you may have set aside your occupation for a time in order to stay home to raise your children. I know that in between diaper changes you often ask yourself if you're succeeding at anything. I've learned that, despite your best plans, life throws lots of twists and turns at you.
Whatever education or training you’ve had in the past has probably prepared you to be the great homemaker that you are today. It involves economics, housekeeping, time management, operations, banking, taxi driving, cooking, and juggling dozens of other tasks! A happy home takes real work. One of my favorite quotes is "No other success can compensate for failure in the home."
Look at that list above again. Wow, who knew Cindy Crawford had beauty AND brains?! What did it take for those people to succeed? Persistence. Talent. Time. Hard work. Tenacity. You have all of those things too! Another diaper. Another day. You can do this!
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