5/8/2007 Newsletter

"Deals that are nifty by Sister Thrifty"
Hi everyone! I'm busy finishing up a manuscript for my next book, so this e-newsletter is going to be SHORT! But sweet…
I just discovered this great FREE card that could possibly save your family tons of money on prescription medications. See if you qualify for it at http://tinyurl.com/3xg6y2
My hubby's birthday is coming up soon and I discovered a great web site that lists all of the restaurants in your area that will give you a free meal or dessert on your birthday. Check out http://tinyurl.com/3po8s Bluebell Ice Cream company will also give you a free half gallon of ice cream on your birthday by going to www.bluebell.com/Registration.aspx
Even if it's not your birthday you can get a free ice cream cone from Dairy Queen for joining their "DQ Crew" online at http://thedqcentral.com/
And finally, if you're busy planning a wedding this spring or summer, check out all these wedding freebies:
Free Sample of Wedding Magnetshttp://www.magnetstreet.com/request/requestweddingpack/market/517/
-Free Organic Wedding Invitation Sampleshttp://www.organicweddings.com/wedding_invitations/paper_request.html
-Free Samples for Brides - Join Mailing List http://www.romanticflowers.com/samples_freesamples.html
-Free Wedding Invitations by Dawnhttp://www.invitationsbydawn.com/Custom/DawnUS/DD_Samples.cfm
-Your Weddings Registryhttp://www.yourweddingsregistry.com/
-Invites Galore Free Sampleshttp://www.invitesgalore.com/samples.htm
-Bliss Weddings Tips and Checklistshttp://www.blissweddings.com/
-Free Wedding Guidehttp://www.worry-free-weddings.com/request.htm
-Free Wedding Plannerhttp://www.usbridalguide.com/local/associate.html
-Create a Free Wedding Websitehttp://www.mywedding.com/main/couple_sites.html
-Free Silk Rose Petalshttp://www.iblossom.com/_contact.html
-Free Samples from the Petal Gardenhttp://www.petalgarden.com/silk-samples.htm
-Free Flower Petal Samples - emailhttp://www.weddingflowersandmore.com/silk-rose-petals.html
email: samples@weddingflowersandmore.com
-Petal Press Handmade Paper Sampleshttp://www.thepetalpress.com/PapersPage.htm
-Free Wedding Favor Sampleshttp://www.sophiesfavors.com/samples.htm
-Free Wine Glass Name Tagshttp://www.imageryproducts.com/sample_request.html
-Now and Forever Free Invitation Samples and Cataloghttp://www.now-and-forever.com/ left side-Wedding Freebieshttp://freebies.about.com/OD/weddingfreebies/Wedding_Freebies.htm
OD /weddingfreebies/Wedding_Freebies.htm
-Free One Year Subscription to Marriage Todayhttp://www.marriagetoday.org/site/PageServerpagename=magazine_subscribe
Free Brides Guidehttp://www.bridesguide.com/subscribe.cfm
-Free Macy's Wedding Dream Bookhttp://wedding.weddingchannel.com/promo/wishbook/order.asp
-Free Nancees Designs Wedding Plannerhttp://www.nanceesdesigns.com/Forms/register.html
-Free Ring Sizerhttp://www.weddingbands.com/ringSizer.asp
-Free Wedding Plannerhttp://www.sf.pii.orders.com/Events/Marriage/RP_Marriage/
-Free Wedding Songs CD when You Registerhttp://www.theknot.com/may_locations.html
That's it for this week! Gotta run!
Happy Mother's Day to all of you magnificent women out there!!!
Sister Thrifty
Labels: coupons, deals, discounts, freebies, frugal, money, save, thrifty, wedding
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