4/21/07 Newsletter

"Deals that are nifty by Sister Thrifty"
Did you all survive tax season? Whew! Would you believe that roughly 50 million Americans pay no income tax? You might assume that it's the rich who aren't paying, but you'd be surprised. If you make about $50,000, you've paid all of your taxes to the government after you've worked til April 30. If you make $100,000, you are done paying federal, state and local taxes on June 20. If you make $1 million, you're done paying August 3. So, if you look at people who make more than $100 grand, they're paying taxes at least about half of the year!
Does this week's Dow news mean anything?
Big news in the financial world is the Dow Jones Industrial Average hitting an all-time record. But what is the Dow and should it make any difference to you? First of all, the Dow is not the stock market. It's a historical symbol that is not really important to regular investors. It represents the value of the 30 largest companies in the U.S. The S&P 500 is much more important in terms of financial outlook of the company. The most important thing is that you are diversified in your investments. Too often people go after one industry or what's considered the hot money trail, meaning "emerging markets." Back in the 90s, the hot thing was tech stocks. Then, we hit 2000, and people saw their stock values drop as much as 99 percent. You have to decide whether you are an investor or a gambler. A lot of people in the financial world want you to think it's too confusing or hard to figure out what to do with your money. The best thing to do is diversify: put your money in index funds, real estate, and actual gold & silver you can hold in your hands. Don't forget to keep some cash in a fire safety box somewhere in your home for emergencies too.
I just discovered this great web site where you can find free attractions anywhere in the country. Find out where to take the family for free near you or where you plan on going on vacation! Check out http://www.free-attractions.com/
Check out this article on how to save money on gasoline for your car: http://www.SavingSecrets.com/article_gasoline.html
There is an article in last week's Los Angeles Times that says the average person in the US consumes about 12 pounds of chocolate per year. (They haven't met some of us!) The article goes on to say that two confectioners, See's Candies and Guittard Chocolate Co. (with the support of Chocolate Manufacturers of America), are battling with the FDA to be allowed to put cheaper ingredients into their chocolate, like vegetable oil instead of cocoa butter and milk protein concentrates instead of whole milk. They say it won't taste "much" different but that it wouldn't be as intense and will have a waxy taste. Who needs it? Chocolate lovers arise! Go to http://www.dontmesswithourchocolate.com/ by April 25 and express your opinion to the FDA.
And now for some fun freebies!....
Don't forget Free Cone Day at Ben & Jerry's nationwide on April 25th!
Baskin Robbins 31 Flavors is holding their 31 Cent Scoop Night on May 2nd nationwide from 5 pm - 10 pm. http://www.baskinrobbins.com/Promotion/31cent.aspx
Free Smoothie at Smoothi King! http://www.fishbowl.com/clt/smoothie/lp/join/join.asp
If you live near a Sonic you can print out this coupon for free Tater Tots http://img174.imageshack.us/img174/681/cpnprttotsbdrb0.jpg Sign up your children for their Wacky Pack Birthday club and you'll get a free kid's meal for your child's birthday at http://wackypack.kidsbirthdayclub.com/sign_up.cfm
Free stuff for Troops anbd their families at www.operationhomefront.org/Info/info_troopstuff.shtml
Check out the free summer camps for deployed parents at www.nmfa.org/site/PageServer
Clinique will give you a free Purse Size Perfume Spray (US) when you send an e-card:
Free 14-Day Supply Of Nature Made Multi Complete Multivitamins
Free samples of Dove Cool Moisture shampoo & conditioner http://tinyurl.com/yq4osy
Get a free toilet scrubber (not that you WANT to scrub the toilet) at http://scotchbright.com/
Free Samples of Mountain Green All Natural Laundry & Cleaning Products
That's it for today!
Have a terrific week!
Sister Thrifty
Labels: cheap, coupons, deals, discounts, freebies, frugal, money, save, taxes, thrifty
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