3/11/07 Newsletter

Hi everyone! There is a new website ( www.CustomerServiceArmy.com) whose mission is to stop the advance of bad customer service. Anyone can enlist and fight to improve the customer experience. Customers can go to the website to write reviews about their customer service experience for any business, organization or government agency within the United States whether it was in person, over the phone, or online. Businesses can also use the website to measure their real-time customer satisfaction for free. Currently, there are 1,173 "soldiers" on active duty. Yay!
It's gardening season and I found a neat web site that is filled with money-saving ideas for your garden this year. Go to http://www.thriftyfun.com/tf17661597.tip.html It also has tons of thrifty ideas on pretty much everything else you can think of! You might want to bookmark that site as a great frugal resource!
I found a quaint magazine about country living that includes tips on gardening, animal-care, simplifying your life, etc and the best thing about it is that you can get a free three year subscription! Check out
Planning spring break in Florida this year? Here's a great deal: Stay 4 or more nights at any of the 3 Universal Loews Hotels, and get 2 FREE TICKETS to Universal Studios
Florida and Islands of Adventure theme parks PLUS admission to the Universal CityWalk clubs. Just show your hotel room key and bypass the regular attraction lines** at both theme parks!
Rates start at $209 per night.Two (2) free adult tickets per room. Passes are valid for up to seven (7) consecutive days of unlimited admission to both Universal Orlando theme parks from the first day of use. Promotion applies to rack rate only which varies by season and is not combinable with any other offers or discounts. Subject to availability. Blackout dates and restrictions may apply. Go to http://www.universalorlando.com/promo_unlimited.html?__source=from
And now for some fun freebies. This week they're all about pets:
Free Desktop Kitty from Meow Mix http://www.meowmix.com/getfunstuff/meowpal.asp
Free Doggie Bag Belt Cliphttp://www.noworms.com/giveaway_form/index.cfm
Free sample of wagging dog treats
Free sample Yappy dog treatshttp://www.yappytreats.com/free_gift.htm
Free feline greenies cat treats sample http://www.felinegreenies.com/en_us/2k6sampling/feline.asp
Free nature zone reptile snackshttp://www.naturezonepet.com/samples.html
Benny Bully's dog or cat treat samplehttp://www.bennybullys.com/samples.php
Gourmet cat food sample http://petitecuisine.com/~freesample/
Have a GREAT week! Ta ta for now!
Sister Thrifty
Have a GREAT week! Ta ta for now!
Sister Thrifty
Labels: complaints, customer service, money, pets, save, thrifty
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